Sunday, 5 February 2012

Sunday Night Cuddles!

 First day since she came home that we didn't also go on an evening walk. But we did go on SEVERAL potty breaks. For mental stimulation today, I fed 1 cup in a treat ball, fed 1 cup scattered across the stairwell. She's become a bit more agile lately. When we first started playing in the stairs, she would be able to navigate the stairs, but would be unwilling to take treats from the middle steps. I guess it's harder to keep going up or down when you stop? But now she can hunt out kibble from the middle steps as well. We also did some reinforcement of behaviors already taught, like touch, shake, down, watch, sit, etc. One thing I really need to work on is knowing when to cut short the training session. I always get really involved and want to tire her out, so I train until she starts losing focus a little bit. I really need to learn to time it so I can stop while she still wants more treats.

Big wide space, but she must sleep squished right here. :D
Pupper was sleeping just fine, then she heard a dog bark in the distance and started barking in her sleep. After a few grumbles, she woke up and started barking. This reactivity...:(
This was later at night, doing some light training in the house.